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Web Development with Javascript

Build and Launch your website on Internet with HTML, CSS and Javascript. Learn how to design and develop your website with your favorite styles and learn the most famous programming language of internet - Javascript.





Batch begins on 16 Jan 2024





Program Schedule

16.1.2024 - Tue

Online Session at 6pm

18.1.2024 - Thu

Online Session at 6pm

23.1.2024 - Tue

Online Session at 6pm

25.1.2024 - Thu

Online Session at 6pm

30.1.2024 - Tue

Online Session at 6pm

1.2.2024 - Thu

Online Session at 6pm

6.2.2024 - Tue

Online Session at 6pm

8.2.2024 - Thu

Online Session at 6pm

Study Topics

Module 1 - Website Design - HTML and CSS

During the first module, the course focuses on HTML - HyperText Markup Language that is used to layout the content on a webpage and CSS that is used to give a website beautiful colors and effects.

HTML5 - HyperText Markup Language

HTML5 is a markup language used for structuring and presenting content on the World Wide Web. Whenever you visit a website, the navigation, sidebars and content, everything is made in HTML. HTML is the only language that can be used to make a webpage. During the course we’ll learn all the possible HTML tags like head, body, p, div, table, section, audio and video etc. Once you have learnt these basic building blocks of a webpage, you can make your own website containing many webpages.

CSS - Cascading Style Sheets

CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets. It is the language used to style your website. The CSS rules are used to describe the presentation of a webpage written in a markup language such as HTML.

CSS can do wonders to any ordinary webpage, it can be used to change colors, provide a system of grids, borders, background colors and all kinds of beautiful effects and animations. A key concept of CSS is selectors that are used to identify a specific or a group of HTML elements to apply specific styles. These rules can be used in many ways for clever css tricks.

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Module 2 - Logic Programming in Javascript

JavaScript (JS) is a lightweight, interpreted, or just-in-time compiled programming language with first-class functions. While it is most well-known as the scripting language for Web pages and runs on Web browsers like Safari, Firefox and Google Chrome, many non-browser environments also use it, such as Node.js and Adobe Acrobat. Javascript is the brain of any website that understands and executes logic. One can write any kind of simple to complex web application using javascript knowledge.

During the course we’ll focus on the following basic Javascript concepts:

Data storage types

Variables and Data, Data Types - Values, Constants, Arrays, Lists

Conditional Logic

Comparison, boolean logic, boolean operators, evaluating expression, if-else blocks, nested if-else block, cascaded if-else blocks, truthiness and falsiness, switch-case blocks.

Repetitive Logic Loops

For loops, while loops, do-while loops, forEach loops, for-in loops, for-of loops, break and continue keywords, infinite loops, recursion etc.

Mathematical Operations

Math library of Javascript, math operations, absolute values, powers, exponents, randomness.

String Operations

Strings, escape characters, operators and comparison, properties, methods of string data. Conversion to uppercase, conversion to lowercase, finding a char in a string, obtaining sub strings etc.

Regular Expressions and Functions

Regular Expression and functions to use them, functions in javascript, function declaration, function arguments, function return values, self-invoking function, functions of Objects.

Module 3 - Advanced Javascript Programming

This module introduces the advanced aspects of javascript language that are particularly used in making web based applications. This module also helps the students to learn the skills that will be very helpful in getting a job as a javascript developer.

The topics discussed in this module are:

Advanced Functional Aspects

Context of functions, binding function to specific context, call and apply, function scope, function closures and recursion.

Introduction to Object Oriented Programming

If you are creating a professional website, it is very likely that you will have some complex functionality in your website. To deal with all the complexities of your website, you can always utilize certain software engineering approaches and object oriented programming is one of them.

During the course we’ll discuss the following object oriented programming concepts - Class, instance, constructors as initializers, member functions and member variables, static, public, private and protected accessibility of variables and methods and inheritance. We’ll also discuss some nice error handling mechanisms such as try-catch blocks, finally and throwing errors.

Browser Services

Global objects such as window and document, browser functions, timeouts and intervals.

Module 4 - Launching Website with Web Hosting

The fourth module introduces you to the final step of launching your website. During this module you will learn about the concepts of web hosting and get an overview of the most common hosting requirements.

You will also learn the concepts of SSL communication (https), concept of domains and IP addresses and a brief introduction to search engine optimizations for websites.

Technical Bonus Session Technical bonus session is designed to teach students some very important software development tools and techniques for creating a website. As one of the biggest problems of creating a website is maintaining your code into a secure location, this course will teach you the concepts of Git - Version Control System which is a free and amazing software for maintaining your code for websites.

During the technical bonus sessions, you will also learn how to use the free hosting platform from Google called Firebase. We’ll dive deep into correctly setting up firebase, uploading your website for hosting and learning about how to integrate google analytics into your website.

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