Frontend Development with React and VueJS
Our aim is to develop your skills to the level that you are able to design and develop user interfaces for large-scale software applications from scratch. The course is designed to give you in-depth knowledge about every aspect of frontend development with react and vuejs.
Batch begins on 16 Jan 2024
16.1.2024 - Tue
Online Session at 6pm
18.1.2024 - Thu
Online Session at 6pm
23.1.2024 - Tue
Online Session at 6pm
25.1.2024 - Thu
Online Session at 6pm
30.1.2024 - Tue
Online Session at 6pm
1.2.2024 - Thu
Online Session at 6pm
6.2.2024 - Tue
Online Session at 6pm
8.2.2024 - Thu
Online Session at 6pm
13.2.2024 - Tue
Online Session at 6pm
15.2.2024 - Thu
Online Session at 6pm
20.2.2024 - Tue
Online Session at 6pm
22.2.2024 - Thu
Online Session at 6pm
27.2.2024 - Tue
Online Session at 6pm
29.2.2024 - Thu
Online Session at 6pm
5.3.2024 - Tue
Online Session at 6pm
7.3.2024 - Thu
Online Session at 6pm
Advanced Javascript Concepts
As this program requires students to have a basic understanding of programming concepts in Javascript, the first module teaches advanced javascript concepts. The advanced concepts in Javascript such as classes, error handling, promises, async/await, modules, etc. are frequently used in real-world applications in the industry.
NodeJS - Javascript Runtime Environment
The module covers all the important details of NodeJS (javascript runtime environment) and Node Package Managers that are required for frontend development with frameworks like React and VueJS. The module will cover all the important details about the installation process of NodeJS, installing packages using npm command line interface, removing packages, and maintaining versions of specific packages.
React is a free and open-source front-end JavaScript library for building user interfaces based on UI components. It is maintained by Meta and a community of individual developers and companies.
ReactJS Development
This module covers development with ReactJS and covers all the topics like - component architecture, types of components, functional and class-based components, state management, composition, component interactions, and relationships.
The module also covers event handling in ReactJS, component lifecycle, and hooks such as useState() and useEffect(), Context API, and how to use it and routing in ReactJS.
Unit Testing with JEST
Any large-scale web application requires thorough testing of all the components and this module covers ReactJS Component Unit Testing with the JEST framework. We cover, testing terminology, tools, and writing meaningful state-based unit tests.
A REST API is an application programming interface that conforms to specific architectural constraints, like stateless communication and cacheable data. This module teaches students, how to fetch data from a rest API to populate ReactJS components and also how to deal with asynchronous API requests through state management techniques.
React Redux, Middleware
Any scalable application requires separation of UI and Data layers and managing the global state of components. React Redux is the perfect solution for both of these problems. The module covers, implementing Redux State Management and working with actions, reducers, and updating of the global state resulting in the re-rendering of react components.
This module introduces students to VueJS and assumes that the students already have a basic understanding of HTML, CSS, and Javascript execution in the browser.
VueJS Development
This module will cover all the important topics of VueJS that are required to land a job in a company quickly. These topics will cover, using VueJS directives, the use of VueJS conditional rendering logic, and looping. Also, we’ll learn about VueJS data and methods inside a component and all related concepts of components similar to Module 2, but in VueJS.
Redux with VueJS - VueX and Pinia
Vuex is a state management pattern + library for Vue.js applications. It serves as a centralized store for all the components in an application, with rules ensuring that the state can only be mutated in a predictable fashion.
Similar to ReactJS, VueJS is also capable of managing global states with Redux. We’ll learn about VueX API as that has been the standard implementation of Redux in VueJS and we’ll also learn the new default API of Redux in VueJS called “Pinia”.
Product Design
The definition of product design describes the process of imagining, creating, and iterating products that solve users’ problems or address specific needs in a given market. Any large-scale application like Facebook, Reddit, or Twitter is mainly focused on data storage and providing that data with efficient user interfaces to their users. Working as a frontend developer often requires thinking in terms of ease of UI/UX while keeping the frontend of the web application to easy to maintain, efficient, and well-architected.
Developing Frontend
This module will simulate a real-world product design and development of its frontend using either ReactJS or VueJS. We’ll cover step by step process of how to think about using interfaces and break it down into efficient components. Also, we’ll focus on component communications and managing states with Redux.
Interviewing skills can be divided between coding skills where an interviewer tests the skills of analyzing a problem, thinking about a solution, and then writing code for the solution and the skills where the interviewer asks questions about industry practices and general aptitude about software technology and its processes.
This module focuses on building a knowledge base and skills from the ground up including all important questions about computer science and frontend technologies.
These concepts include ACID properties, Entity Relationship Diagrams, Relational Cardinalities, Functional Dependency, Normal Forms, BCNF Principles, Mapping Tables and Transaction Processing.
This module prepares a candidate to discuss in-depth frontend development techniques based on industry-wide frameworks and also helps them prepare for real interviews by conducting multiple mock interviews with industry experts. Students are offered several mock interviews that are recorded and later analyzed by the course instructors so that students can improve on their strategies and weak spots.
Career Mentoring Sessions
In addition to the computer science and software development session, during the course students would also be offered sessions relating to Job Search and Career Mentoring.
The course includes special sessions about best practices for resume building and online presence optimization best practices for landing a job. During this session the instructor will go through all the industry standards for job search and help students stand out from the crowd by helping them avoid mistakes in their job application documents.
The session covers detailed information about -
Portfolio is an essential requirement of today's job market. A portfolio of a developer looking for a job not only shows his coding and problem solving skills but it also shows his skills of UI/UX design. During the session we'll focus on best practices of creating a portfolio including -
LinkedIn and Job Search Portals
LinkedIn as a platform provides one central place for all types of job opportunities. In order to be successful on any job search platform, it is important to understand how to best use the platform and how to get the attention of recruiters and hiring managers.
During the course at CDD, we help you understand how to make use of the job search platforms at best, how to optimize your profile for the jobs you want to apply and how to target jobs best suited to your profile and skills.
Technical Bonus Session
Technical bonus session is designed for students to request any topic of choice from related technologies which they would like the instructor to teach them. In the past students have requested topics such as Async Javascript api and Promises and Typescript etc.
In order to help you learn the best, you not only get the session on what you request but also get a video recording of every session that the CDD program has taught in the previous courses to previous students.
Interview Readiness
Mock interviews are the best way to prepare for real interviews. At CDD, we provide you multiple mock interview sessions by software experts. The format of interview accurately simulates real interviews and you would be interviewed just like a real interview. In addition, the interviews will be recorded so that CDD instructors can analyse them and provide you tips on how to improve your performance.
The interview format includes coding questions, software technologies questions and also behavioral questions covering all aspects of a real life interview. Mock interviews are a great way to also train yourself to control any anxiety you might have and create your own strategy for cracking the interviews.
Where do you see yourself in 5 years? This is a signature question of all interviews. As a candidate you might have a natural answer to this question but your answer might or might not match what the interviewer is expecting.
As a candidate searching for a job you need to know how to best satisfy the expectations of interviewers and hiring managers. Having great technical skills is a must but behavioral interviews give you the last pass to get hired. At CDD, we'll help you ace behavioral interviews and make the best use of your communication skills. In the special session, we'll go throw multiple most frequently asked questions and their best suited answers.